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Concert Poster


My poster looks like a spooky greeting card, which wasn't exactly what I was going for. I don't have a specific title for this project which disappoints me slightly. The technique used was vector art, because I wanted to have my artwork drawn by hand first before I digitized it. I'm still not completely comfortable with using Adobi illustrator yet, so drawing my art by hand first is what works best for me. My poster was simply inspired by all of the other posters done by my favorite band, however mine is significantly different from the art style used by them. My main goal for this project was to get out of my same style of drawing. I ultimately failed at that and my poster ended up looking like everything else I've draw, but that's okay because it means that I can draw a variety of thing in my style. Overall, I feel like I could have tried harder to put more detail into my artwork, but I was getting frustrated with my work. 

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