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Screenshot 2018-10-11 at 9.48.11 AM.png



For this piece, I decided to put the title of my piece in my picture. I decided on the name 'Ottoman' because I have always pictured this certain cat as a Turkish Angora. When cutting out my picture from the vinyl, I used an X-ateo knife make clean cuts from one end of the line to the other. My precision helped me to keep my picture neat and clean. This made for a higher quality picture than some of my last works. I tried to make the expression of my cat different than all my other drawings. I didn't exactly have a goal for this project, but I knew that I wanted it to turn out better then my last couple of projects because I feel that my previous projects weren't some of my best work. Overall, I liked how my shirt turned out because it was exactly how I pictured it would be and that doesn't happen often in my art work. 

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